Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

PGM and Delegation visit to Henniker 315 on 3rd November 2017

It was a really enjoyable afternoon & evening when the PGM, RW Bro David Ashbolt, escorted by W Bro Sanjiv Gohil, DepProvGDC, and attended by a strong Delegation of Provincial Officers, visited West London Masonic Centre. The RAM saw the Elevation of Bro Stephen James and the Mark was witness to the Installation of Bro Graham Barber. Both ceremonies undertaken by the incumbent, W Bro Michael Budden. The PGM presented two Grand Lodge Certificates in the Mark to Bros John Craig and Stephen James and was pleased to present the new W.M. with his personal MBF Grand Patron Gold award.

The Lodge presented the PGM with an additional sum to go towards the MBF which he received with thanks on behalf of the Fund. We enjoyed an excellent meal and departed in great form and much happiness.

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