Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

PGM RW Bro David Ashbolt & DPGM W Bro Tom Quinn visit City Livery Lodge

Not just the PGM RW Bro David Ashbolt and DPGM Tom Quinn, but a Delegation of over 28 Provincial Officers Present and Past it(!) filled the Temple – not just with their presence but with good humour and great fellowship. All kept (almost) under the control of W Bro Wes Hollands. We were all delighted with the Advancement of our new Brother who certainly entered into the spirit of things. The ceremony was a most enjoyable one which was followed by the now legendary Carvery. A tremendous evening of good humour and even better ritual.

Also dining in the next room were the Members of Savage Club Lodge of MMM who themselves were receiving an Official Visit from W. Bro. Henry Hobson APGM and his Delegation. By special invitation the PGM and his Deputy were received into that Festive Board and on his entrance the PGM was greeted with a spontaneous musical rendition of “For he’s a jolly good fellow”. After a brief wine taking and an exchange of Season’s Greetings, David and Tom and their Escorting Officer Wes Hollands returned to the City Livery Festive Board to round off a very happy and harmonious afternoon and evening.

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all.



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