A very busy Afternoon at Pickwick with a Full Team Visit, Axe Presentation and Mark Awareness Evening 24th October 2017
Busy isn’t really the word for it. It was absolutely full on! At the Mark Meeting, the Lodge was delighted to receive a Full Team Visit which included the PGM, David Ashbolt, the Deputy PGM, Tom Quinn, APGMs Henry Hobson and Tim MacAndrews, ProvGSec Alan White, Active Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers and those of Past Rank also. Loads! With the interruption (sorry, Assistance) of the Mad Axeman, Charlie Newman, The PGM presented the Lodge with their Platinum Award of the Axe. This one being the 56th that W Bro Charlie has made (so far!!). The Installation of W.Bro Vincent Fattorusso was then undertaken in a most enjoyable manner by W. Bro Clive Hamilton to everyone’s delight.
After the Lodge was closed we welcomed 9 Master Masons to received an introduction to the Mark Degree. The Presentation was introduced by RW Bro David Ashbolt who handed it over to W Bro Tom Quinn DepPGM who delivered his part and who then in turn handed on to APGMs W Bros Henry Hobson and W Bro Tim MacAndrews for their sections. The presentation was to a very high standard with each speaker bringing their own unique delivery techniques and knowledge which held everyone’s attention to the last second! RW Bro David Ashbolt closed the presentation and we all repaired to obtain refreshments.
We afterwards dined and a great evening meal and friendship saw the end of a very memorable day. Good Luck, Pickwick, we hope the Attendees enjoyed themselves and maybe……
Chris James