An Evening to Remember
An invitation was sent, and they responded – over 290 of them, to be precise…
They responded as their forbears did during the Great War in 1914 – the War to end all Wars – World War I
On 11 November, 2020 at 2030h, they gathered via Zoom from America, Romania, Italy, Germany, the UK and many other countries to pay their respects to those who died for freedom during that bloody four year campaign. Not in sorrow or hatred, but in love and kindness of heart.
The whole production was handled in a most professional and competent way by Bro Ameet Watts, which enabled the whole ceremony to proceed in a caring and dignified manner. We were pleased to receive the Address from RW Bro. Tom Quinn PGM, and to find out a little of his and his wife’s family military history. RW Bro. Tom went on to say that he was delighted that the Province had voted the sum of £1,000 to the Royal British Legion to further the excellent work they do for our servicemen and women and their dependents. Within just a few seconds, WBro. Mahir Kilic (of Freemasons Without Borders) offered to add the sum of £500 to that presentation. This, as you may well imagine, was met with great acclamation and a very suitable response from WBro. Major Dennis Bradley on behalf of the Royal British Legion.

Subsequent to the meeting a further £250 from each of Equator and Henniker Lodges brought the total to £2,000.
VWBro. Mark Livermore Corcoran, Provincial Grand Tyler, then gave a short but very emotive dedication to the fallen which he followed with the Toast to Absent Brethren, whereupon we all raised a glass. The Last Post was played by Bro. Andrew Tovey and after the National Anthem we all said our farewells and departed.

A strange mixture of sadness for loss and happiness for regeneration and the future. This really was an evening to remember in the company of so many wonderful like-minded friends and brothers. The camaraderie of seeing old friends is something to be rejoiced. Let’s keep on remembering them at this annual celebration of respect for the fallen.
Tom’s Address can be read here.
Mark’s Toast can be read here.
We subsequently received a letter of thanks from the Royal British Legion, which can be read here.