APGM Paul Muston and delegation visit Britannic Lodge 11 December 2015
APGM VW. Bro. Paul Muston accompanied by a delegation of Provincial Grand Officers attended Britannic Lodge No 433 on the occasion of their Installation meeting on the 11th December. The office of Installing Master was performed by W. Bro Martin Hickman-Ashby and considering that W. Bro Martin Hickman-Ashby was asked at the last minute to install Bro Sergy Lemasko into the Chair of Adoniram it was performed to a very high standard which was much appreciated by all those present. There followed the appointment and investment of the officers for the ensuing, however this was rather short as a number of Brethren who reside in Italy were unable to be present due to conflicting Mason duties in Italy.
After the Brethren then retired to a very convivial festive board which was further enhanced when the Provincial Grand Master RW. Bro. David Ashbolt popped in to greet all who were present.