Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Author: Chris James

Author: Chris James

Consecration of Loyalty Lodge No 1989 by the PGM, David Ashbolt and a full Provincial Consecration Team

Apr 27, 2018 by Chris James
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KSQ Lodge welcomes Bro Shawn Christie, Asst G Sec, UGLE as their new Master

Apr 27, 2018 by Chris James
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APGM Henry Hobson and his Delegation visit Irenic Lodge on Wednesday 18th April 2018

Apr 19, 2018 by Chris James
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Full Team Visit to Hibernia Lodge by PGM David Ashbolt and a Team of Provincial Officers

Mar 20, 2018 by Chris James
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PGM David Ashbolt and a Full Team visit Mahajan Lodge on 12th March 2018

Mar 14, 2018 by Chris James
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APGM Henry Hobson visits Royal Colonial Institute on 9th March 2018

Mar 10, 2018 by Chris James
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Ethical Lodge. A double Advancement and a surprise visitor at the Festive Board! 5th March 2018

Mar 6, 2018 by Chris James
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APGM Tim MacAndrews visits Brixton Lodge MMM on 27th February 2018

Mar 4, 2018 by Chris James
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RW PGM David Ashbolt and Delegation on a Full Team Visit to Scots Lodge No 406 with the Mad Axeman in tow!!

Feb 20, 2018 by Chris James
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