Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Camden Lodge of MMM Celebrates 125 years of Mark Masonry with VW Bro Bill Divall,DepPGM, W Bro Alan White, Dep ProvGSec plus other guests and members. 17th February 2015

125 years of Mark Masonry was duly Celebrated by a visit from VW Bro Bill Divall Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W Bro Alan White, Dep Provincial GSec. A very interesting detail of what happened around the time the Lodge was Consecrated was given by the Dep PGM, Bill Divall which was followed by a brief history of Camden Lodge of MMM. There was then a memorable presentation by W Bro Mike Neville entitled Crime and the Craft which gave an insight into some of the more prominent Crimes during the 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries involving (in many obscure ways) Freemasons. This all was followed by a very tasty Festive Board. Our thanks to all concerned.

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