Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Consecration of Mark Charity Stewards Lodge No: 2061 on 26 October 2024

Almost 100 brethren gathered in the Grand Temple at Mark Masons’ Hall to witness the Pro Grand Master – M.W. Bro. John Prizeman – consecrate the new London Mark Provincial Charity Stewards’ Lodge No.2061. The Mark Province of London’s 107th Mark Lodge. R W Bro Tom Quinn PGM Installed R.W. Bro. David Ashbolt as the Primus Master.

The Lodge has been founded by 75 brethren as a place where Lodge Charity Stewards can meet to share ideas and best practice, and to work together in support of the Province’s charitable aims.

After the meeting, over 80 brethren stayed to partake of Mark Masons’ Hall’s superb fare.

(Photos by Gary Carter)

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