Double Celebration at Metropolitan Lodge 2003 on 28th June
A real evening of celebration at first off our very own Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro David Ashbolt was installed into the chair by the outgoing Master with great sincerity and excellent ceremonial. After appointing and investing his Officers he handed the Chair over to VW Bro Raymond Smith, Deputy Grand Master, who led the Dedication of the New Banner with great feeling and a superb delivery of the Ceremony which all present will remember for many years to come. Both the DGM and the “new” WM were supported by their respective teams in the very best traditions of the Mark.
Another High Note of the evening was the presentation of the Mark Grand Lodge Certificates to 4 recently Advanced Brethren by the very man who signs them – RW Bro Angus Hannagan Grand Secretary. This event undertaken in a most intimate way for all the recipients and was responded to with much applause.
Well in excess of 100 people dined and the whole evening was a resounding success.