Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Friendship from Service Mark Lodge No. 1313, 1st July 2019

W. Bro Alan White P.G.J.D. the Provincial Grand Secretary paid his last official visit today accompanied by a large delegation of Provincial Grand Officers.  The meetings of the Lodge were full of activity with an elevation in the RAM followed by and Advancement and Installation in the Mark. We were treated to an impeccable Advancement ceremony with V.W Bro. Tom Quinn in the Chair ably assisted by W. Bro David Stiff acting as Senior Deacon.  The Worshipful Master Peter Hill then proceeded to install W. Bro John Hicks in the chair for the ensuing year.

In the midst much lively banter at the festive board there was a surprise visit from our P.G.M.  R. W. Bro David Ashbolt who was met by an impromptu chorus of  ‘For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow’, as a farewell and thank you.

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