Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Full Team visit to the London Installed Commanders Lodge on 12 September

It is the custom for the London Installed Commanders lodge to host the annual Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Assembly at its September meeting.

W. Bro. David James, Commander of the lodge therefore opened the lodge and after a short pause there was a report that the Provincial Grand Master was without and demanded admission. The Provincial Grand Master entered the lodge together with a large number of Provincial Grand Offices and took the gavel. The Provincial Grand Master then installed his Provincial Grand Officers in their respective chairs and opened the Provincial Grand Assembly. The principal item on the agenda of the Provincial Grand Assembly was to invest those Brethren of the Province who had been awarded Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the Provincial Grand Assembly before closing the Assembly and retiring from the lodge.

The London Installed Commanders lodge then resumed and conducted the rest of the lodge’s business, the principle of which was to elect a new Commander (W. Bro. Chris James) and to re-elect the Treasurer W. Bro. Allan Atkinson. The lodge was then closed.

After a short break the London Installed Mark Masters lodge was opened by our own Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. Tom Quinn who was the Worshipful Master of the lodge. The highlight of this meeting being the Installation of a new Master (V.W. Bro. Henry Hobson) which was carried out  by our P.G.M in the exemplary style which we have been accustomed to. The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested his officers. The meeting ended with the singing of the National Anthem to mark the accession of King Charles III.

The Brethren then retired to enjoy a most convivial festive board.

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