Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Gourmet Evening proves very succesful for the MBF

It all started out as a small gathering of the Executive and Invited Guests. This turned out to be 37 in total! The evening was presided over by John Wright, President of the Mark Benevolent Fund and his Wife, Julia. The PGM, David Ashbolt accompanied by the Lovely Vanda and the PGM of Berkshire, RW Bro Richard Olliver and his lovely wife, Margaret. There were also present the DepPGM and all of the APGMs and their wives, the Prov Grand Sec W Bro Alan (Sultan of Bling) White and Janice, Vincent & Emma, Marios & Judith, Nigel & Alison, Richard & Julia, Richard and Heather, Atillio, Alan South, Chris & Pam Clark, Trevor & Sue, David & Janet, Charlie (the Mad Axeman) and Mary and me.

We were treated to a fantastic array of food and wine and from the Profits from the evening, the Raffle (Thank You, Vanda!), and the money raised by the Auction of the First Prize in the Raffle courtesy of Cliff Sturt, who was the original winner, of the Free use of a 12 seater boat on the Thames at Datchet (Thank you KrisCraft!!), we were able to donate a further £2,380.00 to the Mark Benevolent Fund which was graciously received by VW Bro John Wright.

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