Loyalty Mark Lodge 1989 15th June 2018
The first regular meeting of Loyalty Mark lodge while not having a specific ceremony to do was still a very eventful evening for all concerned. We were treated to a very detailed insight into the alleged masonic connections relating to Jack the Ripper and his victims by the Worshipful Master W. Bro Dr Attilio Grandani in a lecture never before given on the mainland. The lodge then received a visit from members of Lodge Italia N0. 1467 who passed on the Travelling Keystone who asked that this symbol of inter-lodge visiting be protected and cherished until it is passed to the next lodge. At the festive board the Worshipful Master was vey pleased to hand over a substantial cheque towards the MBF appeal to one of the Honorary Members our PGM R.W. Bro David Ashbolt. This new lodge is determined to make its mark -sorry – and did so by establishing some new and hopefully long lasting traditions at the festive board, but you will have to visit to find out.