Maguncor Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 833, 10th July 2019
The last official visit of the season was full of ‘specials’. V.W. Bro. Tom Quinn Deputy GM paid his last official visit before becoming our Provincial Grand Master, supported not only by a large delegation of Provincial Grand Officers but also by brethren from Romania and a contingent from lodges in his native Scotland including his mother lodge. The evening was made even more special for Brother Tom Clarke who became the newest Advancee of the year in a delightful ceremony and will take his place in the parade of new Advancees at the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting. The members and guests were very pleased to see V.W. Bro Paul Muston past APGM in attendance. The meeting was topped off by a ‘raid’ by Connaught Army and Navy Lodge no. 748 to hand over the Travelling Keystone. All of course followed by a most convivial festive which was shared with Connaught.