Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

New Provincial Grand Master announced by Grand Lodge

On 25 February, Grand Lodge released the name of the new Provincial Grand Master. Announced in open Lodge of London Installed Mark Masters by the retiring PGM, David Ashbolt, the spontaneous applause and acclamation for the new PGM Designate – Very Worshipful Bro. Thomas Quinn – showed the great level of support this very popular appointment has engendered and is, we are certain, to be expressed throughout the whole of the Province.

VW Bro. Tom responded to the announcement by offering himself to the furtherance of the success of our Province which has been so well advanced by RW Bro David. Please remember to put the 11th July in your diary, for that is when you can attend the Installation of our new PGM, and the Provincial Grand Lodge. All details will be available on the website shortly.

PGM Designate, VW Bro Tom Quinn with PGM David Ashbolt. Cheers!

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