On Thursday the 24th October W. Bro. David Lucas APGM paid an official visit to Thea Sinensis lodge.
- The APGM W. Bro. David Lucas, his escorting officer W. Bro. Peter Jennings and the members of the delegation minus one photographer.
- The APGM together with members of his delegation and members of the lodge
- W. Bro. David Lucas (APGM) with the new advancee Bro. Ian Cooper and the officiating Master W. Bro. Roger Hare.
- Stand in Master W. Bro. Attilio Grandani with the Advancee Bro. Ian Cooper.
- W. Bro. David Lucas (APGM) with his Escorting Officer W. Bro. Peter Jennings.
Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. David Lucas together with a select number of Provincial Grand Officers (well we did have W. Bro. Meharban Jutlla with us) paid an official visit to Thea Sinensis lodge.
The main item on the agenda was the Advancement of Brother Ian Cooper. Unfortunately the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Edoardo El-Attrache called in sick with a cold so at the last moment (having rearranged his commitments) W. Bro. Roger Hare agreed to stand in as Master. What ensued was a formidable Advancement ceremony carried out with sincerity and passion that is rarely witnessed these days and certainly left a lasting impression on all those brethren present.
At the conclusion of the meeting the usual group photograph was taken in the Temple and the brethren retired to the festive board for a St James’s carvery. It was unfortunate that having conducted the work in the Temple to such a high standard the acting W.M. had to leave due to family commitments otherwise the Brethren would have shown their appreciation for the way W. Bro. Roger conducted the whole of the meeting at the festive board. In his absence the Festive board was held under the Mastership of W. Bro. Attilio Grandani so it goes without saying that a jolly time was had by all.
Richard Veness