Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Panmure no.139 Provincial Delegation

On Wednesday 22nd February 2023, members of Panmure Royal Ark Mariner and Mark Master Mason Lodges No. 139 were honoured with a delegation from the Provincial Executive lead by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Thomas Quinn.

Matters of RAM business included Elevating Bro. Augustus Ofosu Addow into the Order, Bro. Nigel Payne was welcomed into the Lodge as a joining member and W.Bro. Mark Sharp Prov.RAMGR was Installed as Worshipful Commander by the outgoing Commander W.Bro. Harry Hebborn.

Due to a last minute cancellation, the Advancement of a new Candidate wasn’t able to be performed during the Mark meeting, but the Provincial delegation including Assistant Provincial Grand Masters V.W. Bros. John Ellis and Howard Markham, and W. Bro. Christopher Damp witnessed W.Bro. Mark Sharp duly elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.

The well attended Festive Board was enjoyed by all those in attendance, with the evening ending with a visit to Sanitarian Lodge No. 786 Festive Board, where the PGM welcomed and congratulated two new members who had been Advanced earlier in the afternoon.

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