The Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW. Bro. Tom Quinn pays an unexpected visit to Meridian Lodge accompanied by a large number of Provincial Grand Officers on the 19th September.
- The Worshipful Master, Brethren of the lodge together with members of the delegation
- W. Bro. Leonard Smith (WM) presenting the cheque to VW. Bro. Tom Quinn (DPGM) together with W. Bro. David Lucas (APGM)
- The Worshipful Master W. Bro. Leonard Smith with the DPGM VW. Bro. Tom Quinn
- RW. Bro. Ryan Williams Grand Secretary with W. Bro. David Lucas (APGM)
- Provincial Grand Junior Warden W. Bro. Chris James
- Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. Wes Hollands
When is a Full Team Visit not a Full Team Visit, when the Provincial Grand Master RW. Bro. David Ashbolt is not able to attend due to complications after surgery. In his absence VW. Bro. Tom Quinn accompanied by the lodges APGM W. Bro. David Lucas led a full delegation of Provincial Grand Officers augmented by no less a person than the Grand Secretary RW. Bro. Ryan Williams.
To say that the delegation outnumbered the members of the lodge would be an understatement, however what they lacked quantity the certainly made for in quality. The lodge is one of our lodges of special opportunity being rather short of members at this moment in time, so if you think you might like to expand your enjoyment of Mark Masonry in London why not contact the lodge secretary W. Bro. Fred Parr or speak to one of the member of the executive about joining.
The main item on the agenda was to install Bro. Leonard Smith in the chair of Adoniram, which was done fine stile by the outgoing Master W. Bro. Mockford. After the new Master had invested his officers W. Bro. Vernon gave the address to the Master and W. Bro. Gibbs gave the addresses to the Wardens and the Overseers, both giving excellent renditions of the addresses. Finally the address to the Brethren was delivered by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master in his usual exuberant manner.
At the end of the meeting the Worshipful Master presented a cheque for £250 on behalf of the Brethren of the lodge to the APGM of the MBF appeal which considering the size of the lodge was a most generous contribution.
After the meeting and after the usual group photos the brethren retired to the festive board to enjoy an excellent repast washed down with wine and other beverages!
Richard Veness