The DPGM W. Bro. Tom Quinn and a delegation of Provincial Grand Officers visit Old Kent Lodge T.I. on 27th February 2018
- The DPGM W. Bro. Tom Quinn and the Master W. Bro. Michael Smith
- W. bro. Graham Denman the last minute replacement E.O.
- The PGM and the DPGM sporting matching waistcoats with the WM
Despite the snow, ice and the disrupted travel services an intrepid group of Provincial Grand Officers turned out to support the Deputy Provincial Grand Master when he paid his official visit to Old Kent lodge on the 27th February.
For those of them who arrived early they were treated to an Elevation ceremony in the RAM meeting when Bro. Robert Spence was elevated by the Worshipful Commander W. Bro. Stephen Nimmons.
At the following Mark meeting it was evident that the inclement weather had reduced the number of members present. However that did not stop those of us present from enjoying the ensuing meeting. The main item on the agenda was the election of the Master, Treasurer and Tyler for the following year. After that the current Master gave a fine demonstration of the Advancement ceremony up to the point where the candidate retires to the quarries.
After the meeting the Brethren retired to the festive board to enjoy a splendid meal during which the Brethren were honoured when the Provincial Grand Master RW. Bro. David Ashbolt popped in to share a glass of wine with all those present.
Richard Veness