Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

The PGM Visits…

Well, brethren – a really mixed fortnight of activity, ending on rather a sad note for me personally, I’m afraid. The month started well with an invitation from W. Bro. Alan Brumwell to attend his Installed London Masters’ Lodge Meeting in the Crypt at Guildhall. A wonderful evening culminating in a superb dinner, in company with some well-known faces.

Thursday 3rd Feb saw me at Royal Order of Scotland in Kent where the Craft PGM, Mark Estaugh, was the Candidate. A very happy occasion where there was a Haggis to be addressed!

Friday 4th saw me at West London Masonic Centre on an Official Visit to see a new Commander Installed. The Delegation photograph shows I had some terrific back-up including the Past PGM – remember him?

Saturday 5th was my Craft meeting in Dartford – the Erdemont Lodge, which is the feeder for my Erdemont Mark Lodge. Yes, Haggis and kilts were the order of the day there too!

Monday 7th was Grand Master’s Lodge of Instruction’s regular rehearsal. The date of the Annual Festival is fast approaching – 29th April. There are still places available but you’ll need to be quick if you want a place in Grand Temple at MMH and at the dinner which follows. Email me for details.

Wednesday 9th was a marathon but an absolute feast of ritual, ceremony and convivial enjoyment. Public Schools held it first meeting of the year which went with a bang! I Installed the new Commander and then Elevated 2 candidates in a double Elevation. The Mark Degree saw an Advancement – I had the honour to act as one of the Deacons. And, yes, there was Haggis again and lots of ‘gravy’ at the Festive Board.

Thursday 10th was another trip to Dartford for Erdemont R.A.M. and Mark where we had an Elevation, followed by a double Advancement. Plenty of work for me there, too, in company with some well known London Mark Brethren.

Sadly the last photo is of my Covid test on Friday 11th. It had to happen sooner or later, I suppose. Symptoms have been very mild and of course I’ve been self-isolating ever since; but hope to be a ‘negative’ person again soon.

Mark well, brethren. Stay safe – it’s still out there!!

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