Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

The Reponement of Cenabus Bene Lodge by RW Bro Ryan Williams and the Installation of the new Master, RW Bro David Ashbolt

Repone: To Restore or Reinstate

We were privileged to attend the reponement of  Sydenham Lodge as Cenabus Bene Lodge No. 835 on Tuesday, 9th April. RW Bro Ryan Williams, the Grand Secretary, conducted the Ceremony with warmth and sincerity and in a most exemplary manner, much to the delight of all the Members present. The new WM, RW Bro David Ashbolt was installed in the Chair in fine form and appointed and invested all those Officers who were able to be there. The WM proposed that RW Bro Ryan be elected as our Honorary Member. This was confirmed by acclamation by all the Brethren. W.Bro. Ray Johnson was balloted for and elected as our Joining Member and was warmly greeted.  The Lodge was closed in due form and we then retired and enjoyed an excellent meal in very amiable company.


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