The WLMC keeps on delivering…
We have reported in the past on the great work being done by the West London Masonic Centre during the pandemic. Rohit Pattni brings us up to date on the latest:
Christmas 2020: we carried on preparing the cooked meals for distribution to the local community via the organisations that we have been working with. By the end of December we had cooked just under 13,000 meals. In addition we prepared basic food packages for 425 families. Each package consisted of fresh fruits, vegetables, rice, pasta, biscuits, tinned foods, bread and milk. This was distributed again by the local organisations that we have been working with. They added items to make up the packages relevant to each family. These packages were put together with a view of supporting a family of four for a week.
In addition to the food packages we supplied the Sikh Welfare and Awareness Team (SWAT) with over 320kg of potatoes, 240kg of onions and 100kg of swedes to help with their work feeding the homeless in Central London over the Christmas period. They were very appreciated of this.
In the New Year: we have carried on preparing the cooked meals for distribution, bringing the total of cooked and donated meals to 13,500. However at the beginning of February we had to cease our operations as there was a tighter lockdown in the Ealing and Hanwell area. During February we received requests for more packages, therefore we re-started the process and sent out over 100 packages based on the ones sent out at Christmas. We are going to resume the cooked meals from 1 March and will also continue the food packages.
All this work is being funded by the generous donations received from:
- Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London on behalf of Craft Masons and Royal Arch Companions within London.
- Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of London
- Masonic Units meeting at the West London Masonic Centre
- Masonic Units from other Centres and Provinces
- Individuals
To all of these, we give our grateful thanks as without it we could not have achieved this work.
Below are some of the letters of thanks the WLMC team has received.
Educare family Support Services
Keep up the great work, guys!