Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

VW Bro Jerry Gangadeen, APGM, and delegation visit to Eclectic & Empress Britannic Lodge on 16th March 2017

A traditionally warm and friendly greeting was given to VW Bro Jerry Gangadeen and was extended to the members of his Delegation by the Members of Eclectic & Empress Britannic Lodge. This was the Installation meeting which was conducted in part by W Bro Roderick Johnson, ably assisted by a very capable selection of Lodge Officers. The new Master, having been Installed in fine style, went on to appoint and Install his Officers in a very assured and confident manner.

The whole afternoon and the following Festive Board was one to be looked back on with much pleasure.

Thank you Members of Eclectic & Empress Britannic for a really great time in your company.

Reporting by Chris James

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