Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

W. Bro. John Ellis APGM and a delegation visit Dramatic RAM Lodge at the Union Jack Club

The members of the Dramatic RAM lodge kicked off their new Masonic year with a most convivial meeting at the Union Jack Club with an Installation meeting in which the current Worshipful Commander was proclaimed for a further year. A notable highlight of the appointment of officers was the appointment of a new Treasurer – Brother Chris Griggs. The outgoing Treasurer W. Bro. Roland (Roy) Bedford having served the office for 31 years was more than glad to pass the mantle on to younger shoulders. Any thoughts of a quiet retirement were quickly dashed as he was swiftly appointed Senior Deacon!

After a protracted visit to the bar the Brethren sat down to a most enjoyable festive board where such topics as the mysterious disappearance of the Scribe’s glasses case (the consensus of opinion was they were on his dining room table), and also which Brother had inadvertently opened his wallet and released a moth which fluttered round the room like a lost soul looking for a home.

Richard F. Veness

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