Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Announcement regarding the Annual Royal Ark Mariner Assembly

It is with great regret that the Provincial Grand Master must report the abandonment of the Annual Royal Ark Mariner Assembly, scheduled to be held on Monday 7 September, within the regular meeting of the London Installed Commanders’ Lodge. That meeting itself, along with the scheduled meeting of the London Installed Masters’ Lodge, is to be replaced (due to insufficient support) by Virtual Business Meetings to discharge certain pressing items of business. Members of both of these Lodges will be receiving formal notification from W. Bro. John Wickes, Scribe/Secretary, together with the necessary Paper of Business and the Zoom ID and password. The PGM will be ‘attending’ both those Zoom meetings.

The PGM and his Executive share the disappointment of you all that the R.A.M. Assembly cannot go ahead. This has traditionally been regarded as the showpiece start to each new London Mark Season and it is with considerable regret that this important event cannot be held this year. The PGM will be writing to each of the new recipients of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank to offer his formal congratulations on their appointment, and to confirm that they may wear their new collarets with effect from 7 September. Lodge Scribes and Secretaries should of course amend Summonses and Lodge records accordingly.

Note: the list of the recipients of ProvRAMGR can be found here.

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