The Consecration meeting of the Ralph Reader RAM Lodge No.1997 on 6 November 2021.
On Saturday the 6th November at 11.00am a stalwart band of Royal Ark Mariners gathered in the Grand Temple at 86, St. James Street to witness the Consecration of a new Royal Ark Mariner Lodge to be called the Ralph Reader Lodge No.1997.
The Consecrating Officer was the Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. Thomas Quinn assisted by R.W. Bro. David Ashbolt P. Prov. G.M. who was to be the Installing Officer. Regretfully R.W. Bro. David Ashbolt was unable to attend as he had succumbed to a bout of seasonal flu so the ceremony was conducted in its entirety by our PGM.
At the designated hour the Provincial Grand Master, supported by his Provincial Grand Officers, entered the Grand Temple and proceeded to consecrate the new Lodge in a most solemn and dignified manner – with just the lightest touch of humour to render it a most memorable and enjoyable occasion for all who were in attendance.
After the Provincial Grand Master had installed the Primus Commander, he retired from the Lodge accompanied by his Provincial consecration team and the Lodge proceeded to conduct Lodge business.