Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Another highly successful Mark Awareness Evening at Mark Masons’ Hall, 29th April 2014

Despite the efforts of the Tube Strike, they couldn’t prevent some 60 or so Freemasons – roughly half of whom were not Mark Masons – thoroughly enjoying another informative and fun evening. This took place at Mark Masons’ Hall in the company of the PGM, David Ashbolt, DepPGM, Bill Divall, APGM Keith Florence and a full showing of Grand and Provincial Officers, Masters and Brethren and a good turn out from the three sponsoring Lodges

The PGM Introduced the evening and welcomed everyone to what he hoped would be another great night. He then passed the baton to APGM Keith Florence who gave an excellent discourse on the structure of Mark Lodges and the usual and unusual Offices therein and Mark Masonry’s role within the whole Masonic Structure. Afterwards we all decamped into an adjoining Temple which was laid out in the form of a RAM Lodge. W Bro Keith then explained how RAM integrates so well with Mark and why they are (generally) moored together, along with the explanation of the Structure from Lodge to Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council. We then returned to the Mark Temple where our Deputy PGM, Bill Divall gave a spirited talk on the Mark Degree to the delight of everyone. PGM David Ashbolt then summarised the evening and advised of the new Mark Lodges being Consecrated. Everyone then repaired to the Bar, and thence to enjoy a really excellent Carvery Meal.

From the amount of positive interest, I feel we shall be seeing more new members in the very near future.

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