DPGM W. Bro Tim MacAndrews visits The Dramatic Lodge No. 487 on 14 February 2022
Last Monday, 14 February, the Dep.Prov.G.M. W. Bro Tim MacAndrews, stood in for our Prov.G.M. R.W.Bro Tom Quinn on this visit to Dramatic Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.487due to him having contracted covid the previous Friday. There was a large Delegation of Provincial Officers in attendance (with a few covid absentees). The delegation were warmly welcomed to the Lodge by the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Freddie Munday and all the lodge members present. The Dep.Prov.G.M. addressed the Lodge and introduced his Delegation members before handing the gavel back to WM Freddie.
WM Freddie then installed Bro. Norman Strong as new Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. The officers for the ensuing year were appointed and invested by the new WM Strong before he conducted other business. Following a group photo shooting, everyone hurried to the bar for some refreshments before moving into a dining room for the Festive Board. Dep.Prov.G.M. Tim congratulated WM Strong and took wine with him followed by another with the IPM, W.Bro. Freddie. The brothers enjoyed a steak dinner and desert with limitless wine for the evening!