First announcement from the PGM Designate
Following on from the recent communication from Grand Lodge, I am pleased to announce the Executive appointments which will come into force on 11th July 2019.

Deputy Provincial Grand Master – WBro. Tim MacAndrews Tim has been one of our APGMs since 2016. He is a well known face around our Province and is very active in Metropolitan Craft. He is an extremely well organised administrator and will prove to be an excellent Deputy.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master – WBro. Clifford Sturt
Cliff also has been one of our APGMs since 2016. Another stalwart supporter of our Province and a leading light in other Masonic Orders. I am delighted to be able to re-appoint him for the year 2019/20.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master – WBro. David Lucas
David was appointed in 2018. He is an active Freemason and well-known across a number of Orders. I am equally delighted to be able to re-appoint him for the year 2019/20.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master – WBro. Wes Hollands
With the retirement (in rotation) of WBro. Henry Hobson, I am delighted to be able to appoint Wes to fill the vacancy. Wes has brought sparkle, mixed with dignity and efficiency to our Provincial ceremonies and will prove to be an able and amiable APGM.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master – WBro. John Ellis
The final vacancy for 2019/20 will be ably filled by John. In his own right another well-known face in our Province and across many other Orders in Freemasonry, John divides his time between his home in Spain and his business in Enfield and will prove to be another valuable member of the new Executive Team.
Provincial Appointments
The Provincial Grand Secretary is poised to issue formal offer letters to the whole Team of Active and Past Provincial ranks and these will be posted in early March.
I am sure you will all want to join me in wishing hearty congratulations to all those who will be appointed and promoted to assist in the well-being and governing of our Province.
Thank you
Brethren all, may I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank you all for the many messages of congratulations and support I have received over the past few days. My voicemail, e-mail, Whatsapp and Facebook in-boxes are overflowing and I am truly humbled to receive so many fraternal good wishes. I look forward to being able to serve the Province in my new role and to working with you all over the next few years to ensure that our wonderful Mark Province of London continues to achieve the successes and the good fellowship generated by my distinguished predecessors; and enjoyed so much, by us all!
Mark Well,