Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Full Team Visit to Lodge of Clemency 1953 on 10th January 2015

When we use the phrase Full Team Visit we think we know what to expect but there is always the exception to the rule and this was it! Apart from our own PGM., RW Bro David F Ashbolt, accompanied by 25 Provincial Grand Officers, there were also present 2 other Mark Provincial Grand Masters – one of whom is the SGR on OSM, the equivalent Provincial Ranks in OSM and in Royal & Select with a fantastic turn out of other very senior Brethren.

The work and encouragement VW Bro Bill Divall, DepPGM, has invested as a member of this very vibrant Lodge is to be commended and was shown to be a great success in the maturing of this Lodge and the welcoming of 2 Joining Members and the Advancement of 4 new Mark Master Masons at a meeting where the whole of the Ceremony was performed with great feeling and delivery by the W. Master, ably supported by all his Officers with just the right amount of levity which was enjoyed by all.

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