LONSAR receives £1,250
London Search & Rescue (LONSAR) assists the Metropolitan Police in searches for vulnerable missing persons. The importance of search and rescue in saving life is to respond quickly to a lost person in an emergency. The sooner a vulnerable missing person is found and receives prompt and appropriate medical care, the better their chances are for survival.
Steven McGowan, LONSAR Operations Director, said “We are a registered charity and staffed 100% by volunteers. We receive no funding from the government, local authorities, or other emergency services. So this donation of £1,250 from the London Mark Master Masons is gratefully received and will enable us to continue offering a 24/7, 365-days-a-year, life-saving service to the 10 million people who live, work and travel in London.”
The cheque was presented to the LONSAR team (including Robbie, an air scent tracker dog) by Provincial Grand Secretary W Bro Robert Anderson, W Bro. Tim Spriggs Prov.G.Ch.Stwd and W. Bro. Richard Criddle, Provincial Communications Manager, outside Mark Masons’ Hall.
Photos – Dani Devine, LONSAR