Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

On 17 October Bon Accord Lodge (T.I.) played host to the Provincial Grand Master and a delegation of Active & Past Provincial Grand Offices.

On the 17th of October prior to the mark meeting 22 Brethren from Rumania were Elevated in the Royal Ark Mariner lodge moored to the Bon Accord lodge.

After the Mark lodge was opened the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies entered and informed the lodge that the Provincial Grand Master was outside the lodge and demanded admission. An escort was formed and the Provincial Grand Master entered the lodge and accepted the gavel from the acting Master RW. Bro. David Ashbolt. After the Provincial Grand Master had introduced the members of his delegation he remained in the chair whilst the eulogies were read out on those Brethren who had passed to the Grand Lodge above. Still in the chair the Provincial Grand Master then gave a master class in installing the Master Elect, W. Bro. Dr. M. J. Hawley into the chair of Adoniram. The Worshipful Master then installed his Officers.

A ballot was held for a joining member and an Advancee, both being in favour the W.M. welcomed W. Bro. Gordon MacLean and proceeded to Advance Bro. Karl Ryalls in a most impressive manner

After the meeting and the obligatory group photos the Brethren retired to the 1st floor to enjoy a glass of Prosecco and a carvery where they were joined by members of the recently formed Albatross lodge resplendent in their green shirts and shouting “Fore” at any mention of the lodge’s name. At the festive board W. Bro. Christian Mihutoiu presented the Worshipful Commander with a bottle of some very special spirit from Rumania as a token of thanks to Bon Accord for the Elevation of his fellow countryman. Not to be left out our Provincial Grand Master was presented with another bottle of something warming to the heart by W. Bro. Christian Mihutoiu.

Richard Veness

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