VW. Bro. David Lucas APGM and a delegation visit Meridian Lodge No 936 on 15 September 2021.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master and the members of the delegation attended the meeting to witness the current Worshipful W. Bro. Peter Vernon declared as Worshipful Master for a further year. The Worshipful Master then re-appointed his officers for the ensuing year.
To the delight of the Brethren present Brother Secretary read out the details of a prospective candidate to be Advanced at the next regular meeting. A ballot was taken and was found to be in favour of the candidate.
The Brethren then retired to the bar before proceeding to the festive board where a most enjoyable and convivial meal was enjoyed. Much amusement was caused by those dining as to the footwear worn by Brother Treasurer who was sporting a nifty pair of sandals. The over indulgence of Port has not been entirely ruled out.
Richard Veness